Thursday 15 September 2011

We Don't Know Why by Karl and Joanna Fuchs

The twinkling of stars on a balmy night,
The gabble of geese as they take flight,
A passionate look in your lover’s eye,
The graceful ballet of a butterfly.
Living on the edge, in a committed way,
Facing all challenges day by day,
Your life on the line—to do, not just try,
Life is exciting—a natural high.
Failure and boredom appear in your life;
Unhappiness cuts you, just like a knife.
"Where are all the good times," you cry;
Is life just hard, and then you die?"
The freshening feel of an ocean breeze,
The colors of change in the leaves on the trees,
The feeling of peace as the days go by,
Life's a dazzling puzzle—and we don’t know why.


  1. hi nonamegirl,

    really like the poems that you've put up so far. keep up the good wrok.

  2. Dear nonamegirl,

    Definitely agree with Anonymous comment above. You have been putting up an interesting balance of unpublished and well known, modern and classic, and in a variety of forms. This poem, for example, is quite reminiscent of a haiku with its nature words, which I quite like.


    Ken Stowell

    P.S. On an unrelated note, what is a 'MUNster'?

  3. Thank you, Anonymous, I aim to cater for a wide range of tastes :).

    Ken, thank you for that! I also liked the gorgeous references to for a MUNster, that's someone who participates in MUNs, i.e. Model United Nations. As a member of the United Nations Youth Association of New Zealand, I regularly participate in MUNs. They're really great fun :D
